Goodbye Ann Arbor

I'll be leaving AA in a couple of hours. It's the worst feeling ever, to be leaving a place that I've called home for the past 4 years.

Here are some of the things /people that I'll be missing when I'm in Malaysia:

1)My friends especially Chris, Hongy and Wendy and my sweet baby Jamaine of course.
2)Michigan Hockey and also the Red Wings. FYI, they don't really show NHL in Malaysia. sigh
3) AA public library. My source of free dvd rentals and awesome books.
4)My gym. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
5)The animal shelter. I'm going to miss the grand opening of the new building and that makes me really sad.
6) The awesome parks we have here where I jog with my baby and walk my little doggie.
7) Cheap clothes that are very trendy and also cheap makeup.
8) Nachos and burritos

Here are the things I wish I had done while I was here:
1) going to NYC. I kept putting it off thinking I'll get a job here and live here the rest of my life.
Don't worry. I'll make it there one day.
3) See Kevin James doing his stand up.
4)Going to Ellen Degenere's show.
5) Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and all those touristy places.

Don't worry USA, I'll be back for more sweet memories.

I've picked my "bahan bacaan"(reading material) for the flight. It'll be "The Girl Who Played with Fire". It's by the same author who wrote "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I've updated the music on my ipod. Most of it will be music from Jamaine's computer. Hopefully listening to my ipod won't make me to sad coz it'll remind me of him.

Goodbye Ann Arbor, Goodbye USA, Goodbye friends!