Singapore and KL tour once again

As you all probably know, my friend Adam came down to Singapore and Malaysia to visit. Once again, I became the tour guide.

I think Singapore gives me a different experience everytime. I think mostly coz I went with different people. hahaha.

We took many long walks around Singapore and downtown KL. Had awesome coffee and caught up with each other's lives. We had so many conversations about awesome food in Ann Arbor which became very painful at times as we both missed food from places like Sadako and BTB.

So Adam is boy #3 to come to Malaysia. When are you girls coming here????

#1 Silly Adam taking picture while I was getting some money
#2 Adam's lady man from the Philippines
#3 Buddha tooth temple that was built in 2007. It has elevators
#4 At a coffee shop on Arab Street. They had couches and books for u to read

3:40:04 ?

I think that was how long it took me to finish the half marathon last night in Putrajaya. Here's a km by km recap of the run

0km : Really have to pee but the run was about to start so I decided to hold it in

2km: Wow the Putrajay International Convention Center looks amazing at night. Damn I don't have a camera with me

3km: Where is the bathroom? And why are we running uphill?

5km: Seriously where is the bathroom? None of the volunteers knew where the bathroom(porta potty) is.

10km: Yay found the bathroom. Serious blisters are forming. How nice.

15 km : Oh cram!

18km: Wheeee we're getting close

19km: Wow that was the longest 1km ever. I see the finish line

20km: Oh damn we still had to go around the court house. This is never ending

21km : Wheee. I'm dying. Can't feel my feet anymore

I really enjoyed the run and I'll definitely do it again. Hopefully with a running buddy and higher endurance level next time. I also enjoyed seeing a couple of my INTEC friends last nite.

For now, I'm just gonna chill here on this couch. I can barely feel my legs.


I was just walking to the gate at the airport when I saw him and his entourage. Just chilling there like he was not all there.

The overly exited me went like "Aaaaaaaaaah Snoop Doggy Dog! I love you can I get a picture with you??"

Snoop: Hey girl, what's up! Why don't you sit on my lap and we'll take a picture?

Me: Sweet.

Snoop: Damn baby girl, you're crushing my legs.

Me: Ooops sorry

Click. The picture came out perfect. Me on Snoop's lap just twirling his hair. Snoop asked my for number but he hasn't called. I bet he doesn't even remember going to the airport.