My first fabric pumpkin

which looks like an apple. And oooooh camouflage. U can barely see it right?

What a weekend

It was a full house on Friday when my sister and her family came back for the weekend and my other sister's boyfriend slept over. Then on Saturday night, we decided to have a bbq. I also made some yummy yummy blondies that had white chocolate and peanut butter in it.

Here's the recipe if you feel like making it.

And I joined a charity run this morning. It was a 7km run. I survived the run and I got number 25 for my category.I'm pretty sure some of the ladies who beat me were pretty old. Well, it felt good to finish the run and I'm happy that I won a usb drive. baby is gonna be here soon! really soon :D

That was close

I was called for the third round of interview at Loreal. Today I thought I should check if Loreal does animal testing. Straight to the PETA website to check the list of cosmetic companies that test on animals and there they were.

They are working towards being cruelty free but as of now they are still testing on animals! Until then, I definitely don't want to work for them.

I am bummed that they do animal testing.
I am bummed that sometimes I forget about this issue when I am so excited about buying makeup.
I am bummed that I got so excited about the job that I almost wanted to work for a company that blinds, kills and tortures thousands of animals every year just so they can say "because you're worth it".

Truth is no one is worth the lives of the animals.

Constant Stimulation

Do you ever feel like you are always multitasking? When you watch tv, you feel that it's a waste of time unless you do something else on your computer too(which could also be a waste of time)?

But if you waste your time on two things, it's not a waste of time? Or is that like double wasting? I need to figure this out and come up with some equations.

The truth is, I get nothing done even though I clain that I am multitasking. As I am writing this post, I have been visiting at least 10 other websites. I must focus! Or just chill out and watch tv.