
"I stopped eating pork chops when I found out they came from pigs" - silly chick from the show 'taking the stage'

"Coffee is not like alcohol. You can get addicted to it!!" - 30 rock

Okay I hate it when people say legit. I guess I just managed to annoy myself.

Double whammy

I woke up on Sunday with my whole body aching. I thought it was just from the workout on Saturday but noooooooooooooooooooooo. That wasn't the only reason. I also had a fever.

I guess staying out late at night and waking up way too early the next day to work out wasn't the greatest idea :(

Bathroom matters

I always wonder if the woman who just used the stall before me was a shemale whenever I see the toilet seat up.I mean COME ON!! What if someone just sits on the toilet without looking and they get stuck in it like Ally McBeal in that one episode.

Anyway, I miss reading all the stupid things scribbled on the bathroom walls at U of M. The best one was "Define God" and someone wrote "ABBA". An acquaintance said he saw "a lot of people shit with pens" which I think is utterly clever.

Quote of the day "Keep your stomach to yourself". Best quote from yesterday "Sausage makes me happy" which sounded so wrong coming from a man.

Negative thoughts

You know when u try to be depressed and it doesn't work it's really funny. But when you're not even trying and you are, that's not funny at all.

Last time I felt this way was when I was moving back here. When there's so much negativity going on around you, even the most positive person can suffer (assuming that I am a positive person :P)

Looking at the bright side, my good friend(you get a compliment only coz u were willing to let me bitch at you) pointed out that I have it easy compared to him. Which is true. So I will be patient and I will live moment to moment until I feel better.

I've been missing all my friends in Michigan too :( I want to enjoy this spring with you guys