Aaaaaah America

I wish I could always write happy posts but no. This will be a depressing post since I feel so depressed now.

In the last month I spent in the US, I was depressed coz I had no job, no money and the thought of coming back to Malaysia was making me so sad.

And now that I'm just sitting here, unemployed for the 3rd month now, thinking bout my bf who is all the way on the other side of the globe celebrating his birthday without me, I feel so depressed again.

To my family don't get me wrong, I enjoy your company but I just don't want to live here. Someone get me out of here. 2010 is gonna be a long year :(

Getting food poisoning for the second time this week (and possibly the fourth time since I moved back here) doesn't help either

1 comment:

  1. :'( Cheer up Ariner! It takes lots time to find a job. Sorry to hear about your tummy. Hope you feel better soon! We'll see each other again soon enough :)
