Food Inc Review

I just saw the movie Food Inc today and I loved it! I guess by now a lot of people know that I believe in animal rights and that people should reduce meat consumption to a minimum.

The movie explains just why we should. You will see in the movie that these animal farms are more like factories. That's why they are called farm factories. I am not sure how bad the condition is in Malaysia but I doubt that the animals live luxurious lives either. Just yesterday, my sister told me that it only takes about 30 days to grow a chicken for it's meat("ayam daging"). According to the movie it's more like 40++ days.

The problem with this is that the chicken has been engineered to have bigger chest to fulfill the demand for white and lean meat. Their chest gets so big so fast that their legs can't even support their body. As a result, the chicken would only be able to take a few steps at a time. It is very sad to watch.

I am not saying that we cannot eat meat at all. It's just that I believe that the animals deserve a better life before they are killed for human consumption.

The movie is pretty long for a documentary like movie. I have to admit that I lost my focus towards the end of the movie but it's still worth watching. You will realize how far removed me are from the foods we eat. It'll make you feel like you want to just grow some vegetable and raise some chicken just so you know where your food is coming from.

p/s: If anyone wants to borrow the movie from me, I'll be glad to lend it to you. It's a very good copy despite being *clears throat*. You know what I mean.


  1. lol, i know what you mean :p


  2. Let's see. It's a very good copy despite being penis.

    I don't think it's the right answer wendy. Try again. lol
