3rd Year since 2012(post apocalypse)

Phew! It has been a while I almost forgot I had this blog. Believe my last post was a few years ago.

Since a lot of things have changed, the first thing I considered when I wanted to bring this blog back to life was to change the name. "The Shtuff" sounded too childish. I wanted to change it to "The Sherious Shtuff". Very adult like. Unfortunately I have no idea how I can change it. I'll keep digging.

Another thing I considered was starting a new blog altogether. But considering I have over 70 posts in this blog and that I've had over 1000 page views (800 could've been me looking at my own blog and another 200 was probably from my colleagues who thought it'd be funny to read the old posts... you know who you are!!) and that this blog has captured how I changed from being a college student to being a professional slave, I decided to keep it.

The first day of the new year is probably the best time to start blogging again. So let's start with something light. Things that I am thankful for that happened in 2014.

1) I moved into my 2 bedroom, 856 sqr ft apartment that I bought with my own hard earned money (this is a lie. I did borrow some money from my mom for the down payment. More on this in my future posts)

2) I decided to do the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst for those who don't already know what it means) exams to help with my career development. Guess I'll write about this too one day

3) Got together with my lovely boyfriend who I have been madly in love with for the past few years. I know, I know this is risky to put but heyyy why not?!?!? I think he has taught me a lot in so many different ways (more on this later)) I'll keep most of this private

4) Learned how to fish from my cousin and met a few great people along the way

5) Found one my kitties in front of my apartment one night (all hungry and needy)

That's mostly it. I'm not gonna say my health and my family coz everybody knows that.

And.. my new year's resolution is... to not have one.

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