Saving Water the Malaysian Way

Mother nature has been quite a bitch lately, as seen in the dry months followed by the rainy seasons that resulted in floods. The images of flood made some people forget the water rationing they had to go through just a few months ago.

But hey, she ain't a bitch for nothing. The aggressive logging whether it be legal or illegal is bound to cause all this craziness. I'm not gonna go deeper into what we should do for future flood prevention but I want to share a few tips on saving water, the Malaysian way. Why should wen when water is freaking cheap here? I pay RM 11 every month for water though I know I don't even use more than the bare minimum. But before we get hit again with another round of water rationing let's consider these tips.

That's right. These tips have been customized for Malaysians and the Malays would find most of them relateable too.

Let's start with some easy ones:

1) Turn off the tap when you are doing number two (taking a dump that is).
 If  you think having the water running will keep the smell tolerable, think again. Imagine a pile of shit that is     compact and you put it in a blender  and add tons of water to it (yeah you don't want to ruin your blender     do you?), do you think it would smell better than if you just leave it alone?

And if you somehow think having the sound of water running will help you shit, you are wrong my friend.     Fiber helps you shit. Eat some prunes. Not waste water!

A bit of topic but don't ever think it is okay to squat on a toilet bowl. Even cavemen would shake their       heads if they see you do that

2) Turn down the water if you want it to heat up faster
Since most of us Malaysians use electric water heater, I'm sure you have noticed that the water heats up       faster when it is slower

3) Make sure your toilets have half flush
But if you have one of those really old toilet bowls with only one flush button, which means the amount of water flushed for when you pee and when you shit are equal, then you can try putting in a bottle with water and some pebbles  in it. More on this here

4) Wipe your cars instead of a complete wash
If you are the type who washes their car every week, maybe cut it down to just once a month. In                  between, just wipe off the dirt with damp towels.

5) Only run your washing machine when it is a full load
Self explanatory

6) And for the Muslims, use minimal water for your whudu'
I've seen people who take whudu' and come out looking like they just had a shower. I'm pretty sure the religion is into saving water too

7)Grow less plants at home or keep it to a minimal
Unless you are growing them so you can have some organic produce from your backyard,

Now, let's take it to the extreme

1) Only flush if you just did number two (again that means shitting)
This might stink up your bathroom so if you don't live by yourself i recommend that you don't try it  Or you can try the less extreme version, because there is no place for extremism here in Malaysia! If you are the type who needs the bathroom every hour, you can flush every other time that you use it

2) Wear your clothes more than once
Unless you have a chronic case of body odor. We do wanna save water but we don't wanna kill man kind.

Well that is all I've got. Please share your tips if you have any

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