$25 of dissapointment

I just finished the book 'The Girl Who Played with Fire" which is the sequel to "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". If you know me well, you should know how much I like the first book. I was anticipating the sequel for months and when it came out, I had contemplated on buying it coz it was $25. However, when I was leaving the States, I decided to spend the money and get the book for me to read on the flight.

On the flight, I found movies that I was more interested to watch than reading the book. The movies were dumb. I saw "Night at the Museum 2" and "The Proposal". And now, almost a month after I bought the book, I finally finished it. I was busy with the holiday and all but if it were an awesome book, I'm pretty sure I would've finished it even before Eid.

So basically I was really disappointed in the book. The mystery wasn't as interesting as the first one. There were too many characters and because it was translated from Swedish, all the characters had Swedish names. This confused me a lot.

I can't believe the people at Border's were so excited about this sequel even after they read it. I highly recommend "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" but you should only read the sequel if you can get it for free and you really don't know what to do with your time.

I'm still trying to decide what I should read next. I think it's time to raid my sister's book collection *kick aside all the Harry Potter books*

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