Done! Now what??

I finished off the book "My Sister's Keeper" last night at 4am. It's a sad book in general. As you might already know, the movie is out in the theaters in the US so I have seen the trailer. Alec Baldwin plays the lawyer who represented the kid. I just could not stop picturing Alec Baldwin playing that character when I read the book. The character suits his personality so well that I can't imagine anybody else getting the part.

So now what?? What do I read? Oh, there's that book from Hongy about ghosts in Ann Arbor. Well that's definitely not gonna be something I read before going to bed. But till the sun sets, it's a safe bet. LOL. I might even check out the library downtown. According to my mom the parking lot of the library is a little scary. Maybe I should bring pepper spray with me.


  1. SUPERFREAKONOMICS!! hehe. macam la mas dh baca.. tp beli lah nnti raya haji mas pinjam.. =)))

  2. Sad story innit? Aku mula2 cam boring skit citer tu, sbb slow.. half way through baru cam best sikit.

  3. Yeah it was sad but the ending sounded like it came from a Malay movie. hehe
