The big red button!!!!!!!!!!

My group members and I had to do a case study presentation in class last week. 4 groups including mine were chosen to answer the same question. My group went first. When we were done, we were told to move to the side, so I decided to lean against the wall.

As I was doing this, I noticed some buttons on the wall which made me think,"what if someone pushes these buttons by accident. Maybe the lights would go off and it'd be really funny".

Then I thought, oops, I might be pushing some buttons myself right now. So I turned around. Too late, the damage was done. lol.

I saw this giant red button on the wall that I've accidentally pushed with my back and as a result, it dialed 911. It was the emergency button!!!

The whole class freaked out including my teacher. He was yelling "cancel it!!!". But there was no cancel button. Then a voice of a lady came on the speaker "9-1-1. Hello".

The entire class laughed at me. LOL. That was the highlight of my week and possible everyone else's too. The class really needed a laugh.

p/s: MIchigan Hockey beat Michigan State again last Saturday. The score was 5-3. GO BLUE!!!

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