
On the election night, I was at the library, trying to do a computer assignment for one of my classes. And, that was when, they announced that Obama will be the next president. WHOOO! The first black president of America. WHOOO!!

Sometimes i feel like I am part black so I get pretty excited about Obama winning. Well, everyone on campus was really excited. I was at big ten burrito at 1am that night, trying to get some food, when this huge crowd of people started running on the streets celebrating.By huge, I mean HUGE!! People were dancing and going crazy. It was a good night.

I wonder if people here were this excited when Bush became president. Probably not. I know a lot of my black friends were so happy that they cried. I'm happy to have Obama as the next president, although I'm not a US citizen.

Enough about Obama. In one of the posts I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I needed a name for a benefit concert that my friends and I are organizing. Tuesday night, as I was eating salad during PROVIDES meeting, I came up with the name "FALL FUSION" for the concert. Everyone likes it. So I think we're gonna stick with that name.

Here's the quote of the day:

"Something smells like something else"- My friend big Jon with regards to a stinky smell in my math class.

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