Wonderful Surprise
I just baked an apple pie for the party too.I'm so excited to get my friends together and just hang out.
Oh and I'm super excited for Glee. They're gonna start showing it on tv here starting on January 20th.
Oh Oh Oh and I'm gonna start working on Monday. Whoo!!
Stewie Griffin Is Dating A Kardashian
Number whatever on the "Top 10 Things You Don't Want to Hear from Your Kids" was "I am dating one of the Kardashians".
My version is "I am dating one of the Kardashians and it's not Kim, not Kourtney, not Khloe, not Kylie and not Kendra".
I guess only people who are familiar with Family Guy and the Kardashians would get this joke.
Aaaaaah America
In the last month I spent in the US, I was depressed coz I had no job, no money and the thought of coming back to Malaysia was making me so sad.
And now that I'm just sitting here, unemployed for the 3rd month now, thinking bout my bf who is all the way on the other side of the globe celebrating his birthday without me, I feel so depressed again.
To my family don't get me wrong, I enjoy your company but I just don't want to live here. Someone get me out of here. 2010 is gonna be a long year :(
Getting food poisoning for the second time this week (and possibly the fourth time since I moved back here) doesn't help either
My window
So far nothing was out there except for a few felines. And you know if you see something out there you will be terrified.So why do you keep looking?
Food Inc Review
The movie explains just why we should. You will see in the movie that these animal farms are more like factories. That's why they are called farm factories. I am not sure how bad the condition is in Malaysia but I doubt that the animals live luxurious lives either. Just yesterday, my sister told me that it only takes about 30 days to grow a chicken for it's meat("ayam daging"). According to the movie it's more like 40++ days.
The problem with this is that the chicken has been engineered to have bigger chest to fulfill the demand for white and lean meat. Their chest gets so big so fast that their legs can't even support their body. As a result, the chicken would only be able to take a few steps at a time. It is very sad to watch.
I am not saying that we cannot eat meat at all. It's just that I believe that the animals deserve a better life before they are killed for human consumption.
The movie is pretty long for a documentary like movie. I have to admit that I lost my focus towards the end of the movie but it's still worth watching. You will realize how far removed me are from the foods we eat. It'll make you feel like you want to just grow some vegetable and raise some chicken just so you know where your food is coming from.
p/s: If anyone wants to borrow the movie from me, I'll be glad to lend it to you. It's a very good copy despite being *clears throat*. You know what I mean.
What a weekend
Here's the recipe if you feel like making it.
And I joined a charity run this morning. It was a 7km run. I survived the run and I got number 25 for my category.I'm pretty sure some of the ladies who beat me were pretty old. Well, it felt good to finish the run and I'm happy that I won a usb drive.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDD...my baby is gonna be here soon! really soon :D
That was close
They are working towards being cruelty free but as of now they are still testing on animals! Until then, I definitely don't want to work for them.
I am bummed that they do animal testing.
I am bummed that sometimes I forget about this issue when I am so excited about buying makeup.
I am bummed that I got so excited about the job that I almost wanted to work for a company that blinds, kills and tortures thousands of animals every year just so they can say "because you're worth it".
Truth is no one is worth the lives of the animals.
Constant Stimulation
But if you waste your time on two things, it's not a waste of time? Or is that like double wasting? I need to figure this out and come up with some equations.
The truth is, I get nothing done even though I clain that I am multitasking. As I am writing this post, I have been visiting at least 10 other websites. I must focus! Or just chill out and watch tv.
9 days till..
We're gonna go to KL including Batu Caves and Ulu Yam if we have enough time, Melaka, Pulau Tioman and Singapore. WOW!
That's definitely a lot to see :D I'm so excited!!!
And I'm going to see Cuci the Musical on Tuesday. I'll be only a few feet away from the stage. WOOOOOOOO
Moto GP
One thing that made me mad was that there were no recycling bins at the event at all. With thousands of canned drinks being sold there, I think recycling bins should've been placed all over the circuit. Well I already wrote a letter to the editors at the News Straits Times. We'll see if it gets published. Here's a video of Rossi popping a wheel. Is that how you say it? Enjoy!
Done! Now what??
So now what?? What do I read? Oh, there's that book from Hongy about ghosts in Ann Arbor. Well that's definitely not gonna be something I read before going to bed. But till the sun sets, it's a safe bet. LOL. I might even check out the library downtown. According to my mom the parking lot of the library is a little scary. Maybe I should bring pepper spray with me.
Objection Your Honor
At the entrance of the court, there were policemen, who enjoyed yelling at me for not covering all my hair. Boo like I care. I was there as a witness, so my mom could get a certificate(Sijil Faraid) that divides my dad's properties among her and my siblings. Well I found out the real purpose of us going there after the hearing. Which made the story even more fun.
I went into the court room, sat in the witness stand. "I, Syazrah bla bla bla bla will tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help me god". Everything was spoken in Malay which made it so awkward.
Judge: Do you know why your mom is here today?
Me: To get a letter that gives her power over my dad's property.
(My mom made a funny face which told me that that was the wrong answer)
In my mind I was going oh sh*t, why are we here?
Me: Mmmmmmm. Mmmmm
Still trying to remember if my mom had told me why we were there. I knew the general purpose but not the exact goal of us being there. I felt like the whole court room was waiting for my answer.
Me: We're here to divide what my dad left behind.
CORRECTO!! I was thinking in English and had to translate this into formal Malay. Came out sounding so dumb.
Judge: Did your dad and his wife from the first marriage got a divorce?
He used a technical term that was in Malay. It was "bercerai hidup" which means getting a divorce while both parties are still alive instead of being divorced by death. Whoaa, didn't know that dying was considered a divorce at all. Of course I found this out after the hearing.
Me: What does "bercerai hidup" mean???
*Judge looked like he was gonna slap me*
Tee hee. Stupid court and stupid judge. I present to you, my stupid answers. That's what you get for making me wait more than an hour.
not so extreme makeover
So now my room's a mess. I will put together the book shelf tomorrow and clean up my room again. I will post pictures once it's clean. Yay
$25 of dissapointment
On the flight, I found movies that I was more interested to watch than reading the book. The movies were dumb. I saw "Night at the Museum 2" and "The Proposal". And now, almost a month after I bought the book, I finally finished it. I was busy with the holiday and all but if it were an awesome book, I'm pretty sure I would've finished it even before Eid.
So basically I was really disappointed in the book. The mystery wasn't as interesting as the first one. There were too many characters and because it was translated from Swedish, all the characters had Swedish names. This confused me a lot.
I can't believe the people at Border's were so excited about this sequel even after they read it. I highly recommend "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" but you should only read the sequel if you can get it for free and you really don't know what to do with your time.
I'm still trying to decide what I should read next. I think it's time to raid my sister's book collection *kick aside all the Harry Potter books*
Family time
A couple of nights ago, Liyana and her family came to my house. After a few rounds of DDR, we decided to play with the sparklers that we had. I was trying to get a picture of me doing the infinity sign but it didn't come out right. That was before my nephew got so excited and chased me around with his sparkler.
Goodbye Ann Arbor
Here are some of the things /people that I'll be missing when I'm in Malaysia:
1)My friends especially Chris, Hongy and Wendy and my sweet baby Jamaine of course.
2)Michigan Hockey and also the Red Wings. FYI, they don't really show NHL in Malaysia. sigh
3) AA public library. My source of free dvd rentals and awesome books.
4)My gym. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
5)The animal shelter. I'm going to miss the grand opening of the new building and that makes me really sad.
6) The awesome parks we have here where I jog with my baby and walk my little doggie.
7) Cheap clothes that are very trendy and also cheap makeup.
8) Nachos and burritos
Here are the things I wish I had done while I was here:
1) going to NYC. I kept putting it off thinking I'll get a job here and live here the rest of my life.
Don't worry. I'll make it there one day.
3) See Kevin James doing his stand up.
4)Going to Ellen Degenere's show.
5) Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and all those touristy places.
Don't worry USA, I'll be back for more sweet memories.
I've picked my "bahan bacaan"(reading material) for the flight. It'll be "The Girl Who Played with Fire". It's by the same author who wrote "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I've updated the music on my ipod. Most of it will be music from Jamaine's computer. Hopefully listening to my ipod won't make me to sad coz it'll remind me of him.
Goodbye Ann Arbor, Goodbye USA, Goodbye friends!
Why didn't we have...
Mackinac Island
Last Tuesday Jamaine and I went to Mackinac Island for vacation. The island is about 4 and a half hours away from Ann Arbor. A little island with no cars allowed, except for fire trucks, police car and ambulance. So everyone either had to ride the horse carriages or bicycles.
The island is famous for it's fudge. I'm not a big fan of fudge so each of us got only 1/4 lb of fudge and finished it while we were still on the island. I feel like my teeth were rotting from all the sweets.
So the first night we were there, we ate at a restaurant called Seabiscuit. Just like the movie, or the horse. Guess what movie they keep playing at the restaurant? SEABISCUIT of course.
On the second day, Jamaine and I wanted to jog around the island. Thank god I didn't have to fast that day coz otherwise I would just chill in the hotel. We saw the Arch Rock which was on a hill. Both Jamaine and I were scared of height but we made it up there anyway. After that, we took a trail that I believed would take us back to the main road. But it didn't. A couple of miles later, we saw some people biking on the trail and we asked them for directions. The people had maps, unlike us. We got back on the trail and walked back to the hotel. Altogether, I think we hiked/ jogged for more than 8 miles.
After a long nap that day, we rented a tandem, you know the two bikes attached together like siamese twins. We biked around the island which was about 7 miles. The view was gorgeous. We left the next day. I got a minor tan which seemed almost impossible in Ann Arbor now.
I remember when my sister Jaja was doing her A-level, one of her friends sang the song "My All" by Mariah Carey but everytime she got to the chorus she went "I give my arm,...."
And then there's Christine's friend who sang the song "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson and she sang "because of you I never stray too far from the salad bar..." instead of "too far from the sidewalk".
I find this very entertaining.
Karaoke Day and Night
I never karaoke here in Ann Arbor, well at least not in a private room like I usually do in Malaysia. I've looked at a bunch of online karaoke sites like red karaoke and karaokeplay.com. Most of them suck. Red karaoke's music is just totally off. and Karaoke play has a lot of songs that are not available in instrumental version.
If you know of any good karaoke sites please let me know :) Gracias
fat bort
Jamaine and I got a dog!! whoo!! well it's jamaine's dog. I just like to pretend like he's mine too.
It all happened so fast. We volunteered at an event called Paws in the Park last Saturday. It was a dog event. We were in charge of taking Bort (formerly known as Burton) from the animal shelter to the event. Bort who was being a really well behaved dog stole Jamaine's heart and he ended up apdopting this guy.
Bort definitely attracts a lot of attention when we walk him because he is extremely overweight. He is 55 lbs. I think beagles are supposed to be about 20-30lbs. Since we got him, we've met two people who recognized him from the shelter.
The event was a lot of fun. We got to see dog shows. One of the people who performed there was someone who was on America's got talent. The one who sucked at throwing freesbees. His dog was awesome but he sucked. Guess what. he sorta sucked at the event too. But it was still a good show.
Ever since we got Bort, we've been really occupied. Jamaine totally has a new parent syndrome; taking thousands of pictures of Bort, worrying too much about Bort when he's at work, feeling sad when leaving the house coz Bort whines at the door. It's really funny to watch
phewww! done
So if you have been reading my blog in the past, there's no need to read anything i posted before this post. Hopefully this will be a better blog. Yay to optimism
50 cent movie
I can't wait to see the movie Year One with Jamaine.
Movie ticket : 50 cent each
Drinks: Free when you sneak in a can of coke
Spending time with J without spending too much money : Priceless
For everything else, there's Ah long (Loan sharks)
Whose line is it anyway???
I got to see the cast members of the show "Whose line is it anyway?" LIVE last weekend. It was amazing!!
They are just as funny live as they are on tv. I think my favorite moments were
1) When Ryan Stiles said Howio(like hawaii) instead of Ohio! oh must tell Hongwei about this since she lives in Ohio now.
2) When Greg Proops said "Who thinks that our jokes are not impromptu?" *clap clap cheer* "we have a name for these people. We call them 'bast*ards'"
Okay. gotta pack to go to Tennesse for a wedding. This will be my first American wedding and I'm so excited to eat the wedding cake.
gym conversation
Today at the gym, a personal trainer told me i sucked at hoola hooping. Oh thanks, that's encouraging.
Yesterday, in the pool at the gym, someone asked me "how far are you going?". I said "not very far". I guess that's what swimmers talk about.
Honestly, I'm not a fan of talking to anyone at the gym coz i'm most likely sweaty and stinky. Except when i'm in the pool. Can't sweat or stink in the pool can we?
Amazing Quotes
"love has no formulas"- cinta ni takder formula
"What made you think you had the right to do that? You don't have any rights to do it because you are the servant of Allah." - my friend on the issue of sins
And the famous friend is Mr Azim. SIgh, if only you were reading this and don't live like a caveman.
Thank you Lord for all the nice people on earth
I lost my student ID on Monday. I've had the ID ever since freshmen year. You don't know how much trouble it is to not have it. I couldn't go to the gym, I couldn't swipe myself into the building where I work, I can't ride the bus for free. sigh..
I decided that I wasn't going to pay $20 for a new one, although it will be useful even after graduation. You know, getting student tickets at the movies and etc.
And then on Wednesday, someone emailed me telling me that she had it. So I got it from her yesterday, and I got her a cookie too.
Her name was Jennifer. She said "awww. you shouldn't have". At the same time she took the cookie I was giving her. People act so funny around cookies.
But I thank the Lord for the nice people on earth. And I thank Lord for the hush puppies I had last week
Ghetto salon on Packard
FBI is not that awesome?!?!
I went to a very interesting talk by Peter Young yesterday. He is an eco-terrorist, according to the FBI, who released thousands of minks from a fur farm. Due to his action, he was in prison for 2 years.
He started off by telling us what triggered him to start releasing the animals. Apparently, he was spending a lot of time in a laboratory with animals that were caged, and until this day, he can't forgive himself for not releasing the animals from the lab.
You can wikepedia this guy and you'll find interesting stuff about him.
Honestly, I don't know why I was there. I am still trying to decide how much I care about this issue. I am more than 100% sure that I am against fur farms and vivisection but when it comes to animal slaughter houses, I am still trying to decide if I can ever give up meat for the animals.
It's not the question of whether or not I should, it is the question of if I could or would actually do it. I guess I am currently in the transition phase of being a vegetarian. Maybe I'll be a flexatarian (people who eat meat occasionally).
I have seen so many images of cruelty in farm factories, but I think I still need to see it for myself. After all, I have always been told not to feel sorry for the animals, coz otherwise you can't eat them. Like the meat wouldn't be halal or something like that.
Well some might think that farm factories in Malaysia are better but just look at the chicken that are being transported on those "lori ayam". Look at how little space each of them have and only god knows how long they have to stay in those little cages. I'd have to say, I think the way they are killed is more humane than in slaughter houses here, but that still doesn't mean that they have had the chance to live the life they deserve.
The big red button!!!!!!!!!!
My group members and I had to do a case study presentation in class last week. 4 groups including mine were chosen to answer the same question. My group went first. When we were done, we were told to move to the side, so I decided to lean against the wall.
As I was doing this, I noticed some buttons on the wall which made me think,"what if someone pushes these buttons by accident. Maybe the lights would go off and it'd be really funny".
Then I thought, oops, I might be pushing some buttons myself right now. So I turned around. Too late, the damage was done. lol.
I saw this giant red button on the wall that I've accidentally pushed with my back and as a result, it dialed 911. It was the emergency button!!!
The whole class freaked out including my teacher. He was yelling "cancel it!!!". But there was no cancel button. Then a voice of a lady came on the speaker "9-1-1. Hello".
The entire class laughed at me. LOL. That was the highlight of my week and possible everyone else's too. The class really needed a laugh.
p/s: MIchigan Hockey beat Michigan State again last Saturday. The score was 5-3. GO BLUE!!!
How I love my team :D
Michigan Hockey ( when i say hockey i mean ice hockey) vs Michigan State
Final score 6-1
One chant that I can't get off my mind is:
If you can't get into college go to state (2x)
If you can't get into college then you really really suck
If you can't get into college go to state.
Repeat with
If you can't get into state shoot yourself
If you can't shoot yourself reapply
This chant is sung to the tunes of bila rasa gembira tepuk tangan.
Kids, do not try attempt to sing this at Michigan State.
p/s: how come i didn't realize that we have a black hockey player this year? is he hot? we'll find out at mgoblue.com
It's turkey time
My friends and I had an early thanksgiving dinner. Let me list the things we had on the menu:
1) Turkey
2) Turducken - it's a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey
3) sweet potatoes covered with marshmallow
4) asparagus covered with seaweed
5) cranberry sauce
6) apple pie, pecan pie, chocolate chess pie and pumpkin pie
7) mashed potatoes
8) squash
Phew. That was a lot of food.
I'm planning on staying in Ann Arbor over the break. No Black Friday shopping for me this year. Pokai sangat.
My plans for thanksgiving break:
1) Go to a korean BBQ place with Jamaine
2) watch all the 5 dvd's i got from the library. That include my big fat greeek wedding, six feet under, dream girls, night at the museum and battlestar galactica.
3) start studying for my finals
4) work on my computer assignments
5) clean up my place
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! i'm really excited for this break. But first i've to work 9am-5pm today.
Things I say when something is not funny
1) That's so funny
3)that's so weird
So when you hear me saying something like this, I hope you know that the story is not as funny as you think. Therefore, all of us should just move on with our lives.
On the election night, I was at the library, trying to do a computer assignment for one of my classes. And, that was when, they announced that Obama will be the next president. WHOOO! The first black president of America. WHOOO!!
Sometimes i feel like I am part black so I get pretty excited about Obama winning. Well, everyone on campus was really excited. I was at big ten burrito at 1am that night, trying to get some food, when this huge crowd of people started running on the streets celebrating.By huge, I mean HUGE!! People were dancing and going crazy. It was a good night.
I wonder if people here were this excited when Bush became president. Probably not. I know a lot of my black friends were so happy that they cried. I'm happy to have Obama as the next president, although I'm not a US citizen.
Enough about Obama. In one of the posts I wrote a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I needed a name for a benefit concert that my friends and I are organizing. Tuesday night, as I was eating salad during PROVIDES meeting, I came up with the name "FALL FUSION" for the concert. Everyone likes it. So I think we're gonna stick with that name.
Here's the quote of the day:
"Something smells like something else"- My friend big Jon with regards to a stinky smell in my math class.
How to deal with the authoritaahhh!
Whenever any cops try to screw up your life, either by giving you a ticket or trying to arrest you, ask for their help in things that are out of their power. Here's an example:
If you're trying to pee in a porta potty (org Melayu panggil jamban angkat), and some cops try to arrest you for trespassing, start crying like mad and say "I just got really upset about my ex bf. You can't help me with this problem can you??"
They'll feel powerless and wish you good night.
This is exactly what happened to me and Christine last weekend. HAH. It's my third encounter with the cops this year.
WARNING: Don't try this if you're a man.

How's THAT for my first pumpkin?!?!?!
Old piece of writing
"When I think of Babah, I always think of how hard he tries to help everyone. I think of the good life that he has given me and my family and how much patience he has for my crazy behavior."
Rest in peace Babah. Al-Fatihah
just another weekend

Here's a picture of me and the girl. ugh. meant to put the picture down here but i don't know how to move it. blah
rule 140
Seriously people, just coz u're a pre-med student, does not make u more important than other people. What's pre-med anyway?here's what i think.
pre-med = i hope i'm smart enough to get into a med school. if not i'll just be whatever. for now, it's just cool to say that i want to go to med school. till someone finds out that i'm not really that smart.
When life gives u lemon
Some funny headlines i found in the newspaper
1) "Cyclist Hits Pole" - but after i read it, it's actually kinda sad. A kid was cycling and he hit a pole and chipped his tooth. Ouch.
2)"English and Sociology Major Doubles his Chances of not getting a job" - this came from the Michigan Every Three Weekly, which is a humor newspaper. They are Gargoyle's rival. But i still read them.
I'm hoping for a better week.
Celine Dion
Today , I finally managed to sleep in. I did not wake up till 11:50am.
The Celine Dion concert was great. My seat was so high up that my knees were shaking when I was trying to get there. Celine was awesome!!! I'm glad I listened to her new album all the time coz she sang quite a few of her new songs.
She ended the concert with "My heart will go on". I was going to lean over (Titanic style) but my leornado dicaprio was not being cooperative.
I think I'm staying in tonight coz I have a lot of studying to do.
Just a random thought, I'm loving my blog more by the day.
Sunday Morning
I went to a party at my old house last nite. The theme was US Weekly. SO everyone dressed up as celebrities. We had Amy Winehouse, The Jonas Brothers, Christina Aguilera and Kim Kardashian at the party. Molly who dressed up as Kim stuffed her butt with a pillow and it turned out to be really funny.
Anyway, I'm going to go shopping with Jamaine at the Twelve Oaks today.
Here's a financial joke for today:
What's the difference between bonds(financial bonds) and men?
Bonds MATURE!!!
so i decided to watch some movies with my bay-bay. we saw 'burn after reading' and 'traitor'. i highly recommend both movies.
let me dissect these movies:
burn after reading
brad pitt and george clooney were hilarious. excellent acting!
every joke is so casually said and done
don chittle (no idea how to spell his name) was hot and bad*ss
funny how he was supposedly a muslim but he had a tattoo on his arm. hah! someone didn't do their homework on Islam.
funny how jamaine(my bf) keeps saying Assalamualaikum after that movie.
Funny story in class yesterday. it was a math class. my crazy teacher wrote down a question about juggling. then he was like "let's do an experiment". He took out three eggs. Broke one of them. We all saw that the egg was raw. And then this teacher started juggling the two eggs with only one hand.
We were all like "whoah!!!". Then we were like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" coz he threw the eggs at us. I had to use my "keanu reeves moves" from the matrix to avoid the eggs. Apparently the eggs he threw at us were hard boiled. HAHA!
And then some girl yelled out "d*amn, i'm hungry. I should've caught it".
Another random story, someone just asked me with extreme enthusiasm "Are you Philipino!?!?!?!?!". mmmm. For the million-th time, I am NOT!
some jokes
when a pregnant woman crosses the road and almost got hit by a car, the driver of the car yelled to her "hey! you can get knocked down too you know" - from reader's digest.
night before virginia tech shooting
So, Sunday night. I went to bed after studying way too much (yeah right). It was around 1 am. I was in bed, trying to sleep. I was already half asleep when i heard someone trying to open my door. I was thinking that it must be someone trying to break in coz i live in a single. But it sounded like the person had the keys and all. Just for your info, my dorm uses keycards that require your pin number. In my mind i was thinking, how did this person got hold of the keycard and find out my pin number?And then i saw this guy walking in. I couldn't see his face coz i turned off the light before going to bed. I was terrified as hell. I didn't know what to do.
Only then did i realize that i wasn't sleeping in my room. I was at Hong Wei's and that was her boyfriend . I felt dumb afterwards but I was too tired to care.
healthy food
"salad is not food. it's what food eats." by some stand up comedian i think.
Whoo! finally! A new blog
I'll move some of my favorite posts to this new blog coz some of them are just so full of sweet memories.
I think there's only one sister who doesn't have a someone-salam.blogspot.com.